But ... I'm developing on a machine without an physical RS232 serial ports, but I would like to make fake serial ports that I can connect to and output data from with the aim of faking input from hardware sensors.
It provides pairs of virtual COM ports that are linked via a nullmodem connetion. You can then use your favorite terminal application or whatever you like to send data to one COM port and recieve from the other one.
vspe - virtual serial ports emulator 64 bit
Pro tips:1) Windows may assign new COM ports to the adapters after every device sleep or reboot.2) The market leaders in chips for USB to serial are Prolific and FTDI. Both companies are battling knockoffs, and may be blocked in future official Windows drivers. The Linux drivers however work fine with the clones.
I have discovered this FREEWARE virtual serial port emulator from HHD Software at -serial-ports which will work with 64-bit Windows 7 (and 32-bit Windows as well, so they say). I have tested the program with FSX-WideFS/GPSout to interface between WideClient and Jeppesen FliteDeck/Flitemap on a networked PC running Win 7 x64, and can confirm that it works in a 64-bit environment.
You can emulate serial port in a system on several different Windows versions and interconnect them virtually. So if you have some problem or may be want alternative software, you can try Serial Port Emulator ( -port-emulator/)
The Null-modem emulator allows you to create an unlimited number of virtual COM portpairs and use any pair to connect one COM port based application to another.Each COM port pair provides two COM ports. The output to one port is the input from otherport and vice versa.
The Null-modem emulator can be used to provide serial interface for device emulators.In this case the device emulation program uses one port of the pair andthe other port can be used by Windows or DOS application thatrequires a COM port to communicate with the device.For example, to send/receive faxes over IP you can connect WindowsFax application to t38modem (T38FAX Pseudo Modem ,part of the t38modem project ) via virtual COM port pair.
The Null-modem emulator can be used to provide serial interface for COM port redirectors.For example, with the com2tcp (COM port to TCP redirector,part of the com0com project ) you can communicate via serial interface with the TCP/IP servers.If you feel that com2tcp is what you need but can't find some required features (for example RFC 2217 support) then try use hub4com instead.
With the hub4com (HUB for communications,part of the com0com project ) it is possible to handle data and signals from a single serial device by a number of differentapplications (for example, several applications can share data from one GPS device).It's also possible to use the real serial ports of remote computer like if they exist on a local computer.
You know what virtual drive emulators are, but have you ever heard about a virtual serial ports emulator? If you are a software engineer or a developer looking to create/debug/test applications that use serial ports, then such virtual emulators can come helpful. VSPE(for 32-bit windows) is a free virtual serial ports emulator which is able to create various virtual devices to transmit and receive data. It has more capabilities such as opening the same device more than once for different applications.
In the image we see a serial cross cable, sometimes also known as null-modem cable. It crosses the transmit and receive lines and is used to interconnect two serial ports, either on the same computer or between two different computers. Of course, this cable can only be used directly if there are serial com ports available.
So how do we connect serial devices to a PC or how do we connect two PC applications that require serial port communication if there are no serial ports available on our system? Fortunately there are several options we can choose from.
If both, or one of the computers we want to connect lack any serial com port, we can use USB-to-Serial adapters. During the installation of the drivers for such an adapter the setup software will install one or more serial ports on your computer. You can check this with Windows Device Manager. But still you need the cross cable for the connection even if you use a USB-to-Serial adapter on both computers, but now you connect the cable between both adapters.
Another option is using Bluetooth. For less than $20 you can purchase two Bluetooth USB sticks and configure serial ports on them. After pairing you have a wireless serial connection between two computers. Make sure that serial ports are supported when you buy the Bluetooth adapters!
For two applications to be able to talk to each other over a serial connection on one and the same computer, this is by far the most convenient solution. A commercial product for example comes from Eltima, , and another one from KernelPro -virtual-com-port.html. There are lots of others of course. A great open source virtual comport product I like very much is com0com. You can create any number of serial port pairs on your system. Each pair you may compare to a cross cable if you like. For example, app A transmits data via COM10, app B receives this data via COM11. I use com0com a lot in the configuration as shown in the screenshot while testing NemaStudio against different software like SeaClear, Y-Tronic, Fugawi, CoastalExplorer and others. Just recently I discovered another virtual serial port emulator from Eterlogic, VSPE. I have not been able to test it out yet, but the specs look very promising, and from the specs it should be able to do a lot more but just virtual serial port emulation.
If you need to connect an external serial device like a GPS and your desktop PC has no serial ports you can purchase and install extension cards with one or more serial ports. For a laptop with a PCMCIA slot you could also buy a PCMCIA card with one or more serial ports.
I've been using the Free Virtual Serial Ports Emulator for a while now, and I'm really impressed with how easy it is to use. It's great for creating custom products that work with serial ports, and I've found it very useful for controlling data transmissions, receiving data, and sending out specific signals. I also like that I can share physical component information, optimize the recognition of protocols, and pair up multiple devices. Highly recommended!
VSPE is intended to help software engineers and developers to create/debug/test applications that use serial ports. It is able to create various virtual devices to transmit/receive data. Unlike regular serial ports, virtual devices have special capabilities: for example, the same device can be opened more than once by different applications, that can be useful in many cases.
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displayLikeStats("/g/EladSDR", 0, 37273351, false) Neil Smith G4DBN $('#timedispmsg37273609').replaceWith(DisplayShortTime(1524941803965897140, false)); #13284 I use loads of different digimode software but don't use any serial port emulators. I just use VAC for convenience so I can have WSJT-X and SpecLab runing at the same time watching the same audio stream. Do you need VSPE for? Do you need it to run multiple CAT software programs concurrently? I just point the digimode software at the COM port on the DUO.
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It operates exclusively in user-mode, therefore it is more stable and uses less memory, processor and operating system resources than any competitive products.[ Hits: 683 Votes: 5 Rating: 10 ]HW VSP3 - Virtual Serial Port- HW VSP is a free software driver that adds a virtual serial port (e.g. COM5) to the operating system and redirects the data from this port via a TCP/IP network to another hardware interface[ Hits: 384 Votes: 0 Rating: 0 ]Virtual COM- Software to create virtual com ports when you need to assing different serial ports and you have just one COM port on your PC. Commercial version[ Hits: 246 Votes: 3 Rating: 4.67 ]VSP Manager- VSP Manager is a software program that creates serial port pairs which allows software programs to talk to each other using Cat commands. This virtual com port emulator is offered FREE to Ham Radio Operators.[ Hits: 567 Votes: 3 Rating: 3.67 ]VSPE - Free Serial Port- Virtual Serial Ports Emulator for Windows. Virtual Serial Ports Emulator tool (and VSPE API) is free on 32 bit platform and can be used with no charge for any purpose. No registration or activation key is required.[ Hits: 457 Votes: 1 Rating: 1 ] (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();.cc-windowopacity:1;transition:opacity 1s ease.cc-window.cc-invisibleopacity:0.cc-animate.cc-revoketransition:transform 1s ease.cc-animate.cc-revoke.cc-toptransform:translateY(-2em).cc-animate.cc-revoke.cc-bottomtransform:translateY(2em).cc-animate.cc-revoke.cc-active.cc-bottom,.cc-animate.cc-revoke.cc-active.cc-top,.cc-revoke:hovertransform:translateY(0).cc-growermax-height:0;overflow:hidden;transition:max-height 1s.cc-link,.cc-revoke:hovertext-decoration:underline.cc-revoke,.cc-windowposition:fixed;overflow:hidden;box-sizing:border-box;font-family:Helvetica,Calibri,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:1.5em;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-wrap:nowrap;flex-wrap:nowrap;z-index:9999.cc-window.cc-staticposition:static.cc-window.cc-floatingpadding:2em;max-width:24em;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column.cc-window.cc-bannerpadding:1em 1.8em;width:100%;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row.cc-revokepadding:.5em.cc-headerfont-size:18px;font-weight:700.cc-btn,.cc-close,.cc-link,.cc-revokecursor:pointer.cc-linkopacity:.8;display:inline-block;padding:.2em.cc-link:hoveropacity:1.cc-link:active,.cc-link:visitedcolor:initial.cc-btndisplay:block;padding:.4em .8em;font-size:.9em;font-weight:700;border-width:2px;border-style:solid;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap.cc-banner .cc-btn:last-childmin-width:140px.cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-childbackground-color:transparent;border-color:transparent.cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child:focus,.cc-highlight .cc-btn:first-child:hoverbackground-color:transparent;text-decoration:underline.cc-closedisplay:block;position:absolute;top:.5em;right:.5em;font-size:1.6em;opacity:.9;line-height:.75.cc-close:focus,.cc-close:hoveropacity:1.cc-revoke.cc-toptop:0;left:3em;border-bottom-left-radius:.5em;border-bottom-right-radius:.5em.cc-revoke.cc-bottombottom:0;left:3em;border-top-left-radius:.5em;border-top-right-radius:.5em.cc-revoke.cc-leftleft:3em;right:unset.cc-revoke.cc-rightright:3em;left:unset.cc-toptop:1em.cc-leftleft:1em.cc-rightright:1em.cc-bottombottom:1em.cc-floating>.cc-linkmargin-bottom:1em.cc-floating .cc-messagedisplay:block;margin-bottom:1em.cc-window.cc-floating .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;flex:1.cc-window.cc-banner-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center.cc-banner.cc-topleft:0;right:0;top:0.cc-banner.cc-bottomleft:0;right:0;bottom:0.cc-banner .cc-message-ms-flex:1;flex:1.cc-compliancedisplay:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-line-pack:justify;align-content:space-between.cc-compliance>.cc-btn-ms-flex:1;flex:1.cc-btn+.cc-btnmargin-left:.5em@media print.cc-revoke,.cc-windowdisplay:none@media screen and (max-width:900px).cc-btnwhite-space:normal@media screen and (max-width:414px) and (orientation:portrait),screen and (max-width:736px) and (orientation:landscape).cc-window.cc-toptop:0.cc-window.cc-bottombottom:0.cc-window.cc-banner,.cc-window.cc-left,.cc-window.cc-rightleft:0;right:0.cc-window.cc-banner-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column.cc-window.cc-banner .cc-compliance-ms-flex:1;flex:1.cc-window.cc-floatingmax-width:none.cc-window .cc-messagemargin-bottom:1em.cc-window.cc-banner-ms-flex-align:unset;align-items:unset.cc-floating.cc-theme-classicpadding:1.2em;border-radius:5px.cc-floating.cc-type-info.cc-theme-classic .cc-compliancetext-align:center;display:inline;-ms-flex:none;flex:none.cc-theme-classic .cc-btnborder-radius:5px.cc-theme-classic .cc-btn:last-childmin-width:140px.cc-floating.cc-type-info.cc-theme-classic .cc-btndisplay:inline-block.cc-theme-edgeless.cc-windowpadding:0.cc-floating.cc-theme-edgeless .cc-messagemargin:2em 2em 1.5em.cc-banner.cc-theme-edgeless .cc-btnmargin:0;padding:.8em 1.8em;height:100%.cc-banner.cc-theme-edgeless .cc-messagemargin-left:1em.cc-floating.cc-theme-edgeless .cc-btn+.cc-btnmargin-left:0window.addEventListener("load", function()window.cookieconsent.initialise( "palette": "popup": "background": "#000" , "button": "background": "#f1d600" , "theme": "classic", "position": "bottom", "content": "message": "Cookies help us to deliver our services. 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